By Alice Dunlap

In a land of cloud and mist,
The only sound is padded feet,
Climbing to the highest limb,
Of an ancient hemlock tree,

She peers from her favorite perch,
Across a void of dark and light,
Contently grooming time to time,
But watching none the less,

A brilliant flash and there he stands,
A child no more than two or three,
Echoes of grief still drifting up,
From the mortal world below,

He turns his head from side to side,
And smiles at wisps of light,
That touch his skin and stop the pain,
As his body drops away,

She leaps down and greets him,
With not but a feeling of joy,
And spins a feline song of light,
As she prances to and fro,

She yowls that he should follow,
And dances into oneness,
With the child upon her heels,
While he grins and gasps with glee,

A glittery glow surrounds them,
And there before them stand,
All of those before him,
Who had watched him in his dreams,

He wraps his arms around the legs,
Of a loved one who had left,
But visited him when he was alone,
And helped him along his path,

All who stood then vanished,
Leaving only one,
The cat who guided him on his trail,
Through the world of letting go,

As she had chosen on the day,
When she herself appeared,
In a burst of brilliant light above,
The learning world below,

She danced among the swirling,
Of the healing angel force,
And then she granted him before,
The freedom of ascension,

And she became the protector,
And here she will remain,
Until the cat who chooses to stay,
Has finished his feline life.

A Rainbow Walk

Animation created by Glenda Moore


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