Reiki Reiki Healing Glastonbury Uk
Reiki Healing Glastonbury UK covers,reiki one,reiki two and reiki master training, health,
spiritual, astrology, attunements, absent healing, distance healing.
Halls of Reiki
The Halls of Reiki consists of four wings with many rooms containing extensive
information on Reiki. Room titles include History & Origin Information for New
Practitioners Reiki in Daily Life Reiki First Aid Reiki Links and
much more. Site also contains a book store and Hall of Music. This is the home of the
Reiki Referral.
Subtle Energies Inc. Metaphysical Healing Center offers Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki
& Urevia healings and classes with the sales of metaphysical products i.e.
Crystals, books, tarot decks, and cd's and astrology charts and tarot readings.
Reiki News is a quarterly publication covering the practice, evolution and study
of Reiki. |
Healing healthy living's
holistic health program: quiz
The first step in Healthy Living's Holistic Health Program, our quiz will assess your
lifestyle in the three areas of Nutrition, Fitness, and Stress Management. You'll get a
customized step-by-step plan that provides the guidance you need to ease into healthier
Herb Network
The Herb Network is a coopertive network of people interested in herbs. If you wish to
share in the wisdom of herbalism, you've found the right place. Come explore our
site and be sure to become a member!
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
This is a great place to start! Lots of downloadable information on medicinal
plants. They also have tons of images for plant identification. Check out
Culbreth's Materia Medica (downloadable in sections).
Holistic Healing Web Page
Holistic healing and alternative medicine documentation, articles on nutrition,
yoga, breath work, toxic consumer products and many other subjects. 1000+
quality links to other holistic healing sites, conference and retreat listings,
case histories of healings & transformation, important news items, holistic
mailing list and USENET groups listings, practitioner directories, and much
United Plant Savers
The plants that once where scattered across the land are being used up due to
the increasing popularity of natural healing. United Plant Savers is dedicated
to protecting and replanting native medicinal plants and to ensuring the future
of these important plant species for future generations. While you visit drop
them a line and let them know they are appreciated.
The Herbal
A great resource. It is helpful for everyone interested in the properties and uses
of the various healing herbs.
The Herbal Materia Medica
Another great resource. |
Alternative Health Now
Homeopathy Homeopathy Online
A journal of homeopathic medicine. It's a wonderful source of information. Check
monthly for new issues.
Ailments and Their Homeopathic Treatment
A wonderful resource for figuring out what to use. The list of ailments is limited
but the information is good.
Homeopathic Canada
I grew up on their products. This is a great place to find the medicines you need
at home.
This link may be dead, they are apparently making changes on
their site. |
Healing Your Pet Spirit Healer: Shamanic Healing and
Animal Communication
Carla Meeske Person Animal communicator and
shamanic healer offering compassionate spiritual healing for people and their companion
Dr. Goodpet Natural
Healthcare for Pets
A great place to find homeopathic medicines, vitamins/suppliments,
maintenance/flea control products, and much more to help maintain
your pet's health. |
Spiritual Healing NewSpirit Services
Master spiritual healer, Salem healers, spiritual growth masters, NewSpirit
Services. We offer you contact with Universal Healing energy, that can work for anyone. No
special religious experience or spiritual background is required by you.
Past Forward:
Past Life Healing, Higher Self Counseling Awakening Award
Are You Being Harmed by Your Past Lives? Discover How Your Past Lives Effect You Today!
Unlock the Secrets of Your Past Lives for FREE Right NOW!
Very comprehensive site. Much to read and discover.
Prayer And Meditation 
Robert and Gail Gupton share their experiences and insights. This is no ordinary
home page. This is awesome! Wonderful audio by Joel S. Goldsmith - it is inspiring and
filled with truth. The Guptons share some powerful messages also. This site is more
straight and to the point than most of the sites I've seen so far. The site itself is
beautiful. It is a must for any spiritual student - regardless of religion.
SPIRIT: Spiritual Healing & Mysticism
Elsa Joy Bailey on Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Counseling, Prayer,
Mysticism, Self Help Books, Human Potential, Personal Growth, A Course in Miracles,
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 Step Program, Spiritual Healing, key Spiritual Growth links
Healing / Councelling Free!
Free Spiritual Healing and/or Counselling available. Also, a concise explanation
and summary of the world's spiritual traditions. |
Links A Traditional Vision Herbals & Pagan Community
This is Metaphysical & Holistic Shopping, free pagan resource
community, moderated chat forums, indepth learning for pagan, druid, native and all like
minded with many exciting free learning guides, email, and much more.
Healing Music
The Healing Music Organization provides information, resources, research data, and other
tools about the healing power of sound and music.
Divining Mind - Dowsing
Tools With A Difference
Pendulums and divining rods for alternative healing, water and mineral dowsing from
Divining Mind.
Visit the ElixirNet World of Health Reading Room

Health, fitness, and herbal news/facts. Featuring a report to the National
Institute of Health on Alternative Medical Systems and Practices in the United States.
Online: Alternative and Complementary Medicine
An in depth resource on alternative and complementary medicine including
homeopathy, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, naturopathic medicine,
and much more. It's worth a visit.
Dr. Bower's Complementary and Alternative Medicine Homepage
Articles and links focusing on a wide range of alternative healing practices.
Presented by the Dogwood Institute.
Moon Herbaceuticals
Ancient Medicines for modern times. We offer more than 50 herbal tinctures, tonics, and
ointments to treat a wide variety of ailments. (They have Essiac)
Mother Nature.com
Your healthy living headquarters. |