"New Age" Links Alternative
Alternative Market Place supports and informs the New Age, UFO, Pagan, Occult and
Alternative Spirituality communities. We seek to link these communities via the World Wide
Web, in order to share ideas, products and services. Includes articles, business listings
and the largest known index of New Age resources.
A site giving insights into the different aspects and the common patterns of the
human experience, with an attempt to create new understandings about ourselves and the
surrounding universe.
Above a Star online Earth Spirit Music Station 
I encourage everyone to play the music on this station because our
music gives excellent insights to many of the Pagan beliefs and faiths. Besides
supporting over 30 musicians and linking to many more, we attempt to promote religious
tolerance and understanding by providing an "Introduction to Pagan and Wiccan
beliefs" essay for the many 'curious' visitors that come to our music station through
A beautiful webpage offering links to sites of interest. Great links for exploring and
askAlana.com: Helping you
learn to trust your Heart
Attract your soul mate, discover your life purpose, embrace your intuition, truly love
yourself, find inner peace, manifest a joyful future, nurture your body, and improve your
Dream Central
Dream interpretation, a dream dictionary, discussions, how to remember your dreams, and
other related information and resources.
Life is a journey not a destination. - If there be purpose here, it is to assist all
who enter these pages with tools to purposefully live out this great truth.
Kabbalah and Zohar A beginner's guide to kabbalah
Kabbalah is a practical method to comprehend the upper worlds and the source of our
existence while still living in this world. Kabbalah Forum lessons in English, Hebrew and
Foundation for a New Consciousness:
An Essay on Art, Science, and Meditation
New Age philosophy that examines paradoxical thinking and shows that the arts form the
basis for meditation. Ideas from alchemy and astrology are used to clarify paradoxical
New Age Center
Covers many areas of interest.
New Age Web Works
More general links.
New Age On-Line Australia
Tons of great articles and information.
Afterlife Diary
This Web site introduces a nonfiction book: an entertaining and enlightening diary
of afterlife in Heaven.

Education, Workgroups & Readings The Center For Esoteric
The Center for Esoteric Studies is an educational institution whose purpose is to train
individuals in consciousness and the practical application of deep spiritual understanding
in everyday life.
Moonlit Pathways
Astrology readings which will provide insight into the emotional and soul issues
operating in your life, and will assist in your search for self understanding, spiritual
growth, and expanded awareness.
Peter & Helen Evans
We have been teaching and counseling on-line for more than 2 years. We have taught over
1500 students in more than 16 countries world-wide. Our most popular e-mail classes are
called "Manifesting Success" (parts 1 and 2) and "Conscious
Relationship". We have developed the material ourselves, stressing self-empowerment
and personal responsibility, and the classes offer the opportunity to interact with the
Ask Your
Fairy Godmother
Readings by Linda
Find direction, answers and peace of mind. Accurate, meaningful Tarot/ Intuitive readings
at reasonable prices. All readings delivered via e-mail within 24 hours and follow up
included. Traditional and personalized spreads available. See the road map for your life's
An Inward Journey To Enlightenment
Foundation For World Awakening Phoenix offers
preparation for enlightenmnet, yoga, meditation, healing, reiki, vaastu, feng shui,
Retreat for Enlightenment in India, state of the art recording studio, India, rural
redevelopement projects. Our centers exist for the enlightenment of mankind.
Darwins Spiritual
Spiritual and esoteric energy systems for meditation, purification and health. Reiki,
Huna, Drisana, Angel attunement based classes from Egypt, Tibet, Hawaii, East India.
Information on spiritual advancement.
Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Teenage
Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Teenage Soul' is a book of stories written by teenagers
about their spiritual, mystical, healing and new age experiences.
Reiki Healing Glastonbury Uk
Reiki Healing Glastonbury UK covers,reiki one,reiki two and reiki master training, health,
spiritual, astrology, attunements, absent healing, distance healing.
The Initiation
A Western doctor gets a mysterious "call" to return to
his guru in India. This true adventure follows his journey filled with
manifestations, miraculous healings and mystical meetings with the Immortal
Yogi-Christ Babaji.
Ring Of Grace
Ring of Grace Groups are run by Caroline McCutcheon, a
writer, healer and teacher. Ring of Grace Workshop Groups are designed to encourage human
and spiritual development. Ring of Grace Meditation Groups are designed to help people
receive the healing blessing of the rays of grace. |

You may download this internet bumper sticker for your
Please do NOT link to this server. |
Other Sites of Interest Places of Peace
and Power
The Sacred Site Pilgrimages of Martin Gray
Photographs, writings and theories regarding sacred sites, power places, pilgrimage
traditions, and ancient mysteries by anthropologist, photographer, and world traveler
Martin Gray.
Sophia's Web:
Meditations on Goddess Spirituality
Provides a philosophical discussion and poetic rendition on the nature of reality and
Pandora's Box
Links to online resources including Windows, Java and HTML, Artworks, Womens Resources,
Music, UK Pages, and Mystery and Alternative Links. A user friendly site with a wealth of
information and beautiful graphics.
Spiritual Persistence forges new ground by looking beyond conventional thought and
symbol patterns. Its basic message is connection: not connection to a far-off or far-out
impersonal being or universe, but to ourselves and others around us.
This is an exceptional site... one of the most original and
thought provoking I have seen yet! - Alice
Non-profit web site features the progressive rock group 'Yes' from a totally
Spiritual perspective.
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
A comprehensive collection of online philosophy resources. Well-organized, easy to
navigate, regularly updated.
Encyclopedia Mythica
The Encyclopedia Mythica is an on-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend. It
contains hundreds of definitions of gods and goddesses from all over the world.
Rediscover Ancient
Egypt - Tehuti Research Foundation
Dedicated to promote, encourage, and facilitate the study of ancient Egypt, in a
purer form - as close to the original as possible.
Stone Pages
Stone circles, dolmens, standing stones, cairns, barrows and hillforts: welcome
to the most comprehensive online guide to European megaliths and other archaeological
The Best Shopping Online
Sunreed Instruments
Quality bamboo flutes, bamboo saxophones, didgeridoos, crystal bowls, shakuhachi, bamboo
clarinets, Native American flutes, drums, and world instruments. Sunreed Instruments is a
small workshop in the Green Mountains of southern Vermont. Since 1977, we have offered
fine quality, hand crafted bamboo wind instruments. We also offer a wide variety of
concert band and world musical instruments, our own gentle, healing music, and unique
multi-cultural Music Education and Native American philosophy educational programs.
Divining Mind - Dowsing
Tools With A Difference
Pendulums and divining rods for alternative healing, water and mineral dowsing from
Divining Mind.
Mystic Merchant
Jewelry, Gem Stones, Crystals hand made one of a kind Contemporary
Metaphysical New Age designs by Bill Mason
Earth Spirit
"Where Olde Traditions meet the New Age"
Earth Spirit Emporium is an online source for metaphysical, wiccan, magickal and other
spiritual supplies such as books, oils, herbs, candles, incense and baths. Also a place
for like minded people to meet, post messages and even chat.
Lost Creek - Tools For
Travel Within
This site features a wide variety of smoking alternatives, teas, and scents for the
physical, mental, and spiritual. A thought provoking interview and more can be found here.
Easy purchase online. Don't miss it!
The Rainbow
An on-line catalog and magazine with crystals, aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, unique
jewelry, statues, chimes, books, Austrian crystals, articles, information sheets, and a
counseling service.
Wicks End
Your One Stop Candle Shop, secure online credit card ordering. Candles,
Candleholders, Oil Lamps, Incense, Accessories, and Gift Baskets.
Discover Nature
Ceramic sculptures, glass, jewelry, nature music, tabletop fountains, and woven
throws are just a few of the wondrous things you'll find at this site. Find a gift for a
friend and while you're at it why not treat yourself! Easy-to-use online catalog and
monthly sweepstakes.
The Rainbow Path
Largest metaphysical bookstore in the Carolinas! Featuring books, newage music,
sidelines.We ship fast to anywhere at the best prices!
Ying Communications
Our other mission is to provide you with the highest quality products and services
available that will raise and enhance global spirituality. For example, among other
products, we are so pleased to offer extremely rare and beautiful Crystal Energy Rocks,
Peace Gongs in various sizes, a book on communicating spiritually with animals, and
readings relating to the Mayan Calendar according to specific shamanic studies and
personal interpretation.
Beyond the Rainbow
Resources for Well Being/Gifts with Spirit Flower Essences, Aromatherapy,
Crystals, Fountains, Jewelry, Angels, Goddesses, and More. Free Email
Whispered Prayers
Earth spirituality products. "This includes Metaphysics, Wicca, Paganism,
Shamanism, Aromatherapy, Herbal Healing, and more."
New Moon
A good resource for Wiccan, Pagan, new age, magick, occult, and Druidic
supplies. They have an online catalogue to look through and some great links.